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14 Surprising Ways Your Dog Shows Love

by dogtoyadvisor | Last updated on November 18, 2020

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Dogs are perfect beings that wear their hearts on their sleeves.

Usually happy and easily excitable, dogs love deeply and unconditionally, even in sad situations where their humans don’t reciprocate accordingly.

If a dog loves you, he will always love you, regardless of distance or time away.

That Special Dog-Human Relationship

Dogs have been man’s best friends for centuries.

They have accompanied humans in the good times and bad times, helped us survive and protected us from all kinds of threats.

We already know dogs love their humans.

But sometimes it can be hard to realize they’re showing their love until we learn how to interpret their behavior, which can sometimes seem weird to say the least.

14 Ways Your Dog Shows Love

Now that we know how important it is for your dog to know how much you love him and how he’ll be able to understand that, we give you 11 easy ways to show your dog some love.

These are all things you can do daily, quick ways to keep your dog happy and healthy.

What more could we ask for?

1 – Keeping Eye Contact

Much like people, dogs feel comfortable holding eye contact with people they love and feel safe with.

In fact, when your dog is staring adoringly at you, he’s releasing oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone”, which helps create that oh-so-special bond between you and your dog.

Apart from that, having a dig that loves you and feels comfortable holding eye contact makes a world of difference for training.

Just be careful with the way you stare back at your dog, so he won’t feel threatened.

Related: 5 Surprising Reasons Your Dog is Staring At You

2 – Leaning Against You

Again, like humans, dogs like to touch and lean into the people they love.

So, if you’re dog will take every opportunity he gets to lean against you, maybe when you’re on the couch or on the bed, know that it’s purely out of love.

Sometimes, when he’s feeling scared or insecure, he will lean against you as well and that means he feels safe around you and sees you as his protector.

3 – Sleeping Close to You

As close as you’ll allow him. If it means in your bed, next to you, he absolutely loves that.

But getting him a cozy warm bed for him to sleep in your bedroom, close to your bed is great too.

He wants to sleep with you, next to you, as close as he can.

Because he loves you and sees you as a part of his pack.

Related: 9 Reasons Why You Should Let Your Dog Sleep With You

4 – Giving You’re a Big Welcome

For your dog, his day starts when you come home, so of course he’s going to be very happy and excited when you arrive.

The way he shows his happiness depends on your dog. He may jump, lick you, bark, sometimes even pee!

And, odds are, you’re happy to see him too! (Hopefully just not expressing it the same way as your dog)

Related: 9 Signs Your Dog Misses You While You’re Gone

5 – Carrying Your Clothes Around

Your dog loves you and that means loving everything about you.

Even your stinky socks.

Carrying your clothes around (clean or dirty) allows your dog to keep your scent near and that means the world to your dog, particularly when you’re away.

6 – Checking Up on You

This is for more independent dogs.

Even dogs who aren’t always glued to your hip will check on you from time to time to make sure you’re okay.

That’s also a way dogs show love.

Also, if you’re on a walk with your dog and he keeps watching you or if he’s off leash and returns often to you, it means he loves you and thinks of you always.

Related: 7 Signs Your Dog Trusts You With His Life

7 – Seeking Physical Contact

While some dogs don’t like being held or hugged, all dogs love physical contact.

They often find ways to be touching you, even while they sleep or play.

While this can be annoying, because their need for physical contact often means having them in your way, remember why they do it.

Physical affection is something dogs love and are also able to reciprocate, so do it as much as you possibly can.

8 – Peeing When He Sees You

This particularly applies to puppies.

Often, dogs will pee when they see their loved ones.

Not only are they excited, but it’s also a form of submissive urination, meaning they recognize you’re in charge.

So, not only is peeing in this scenario a sign of love, it’s also a sign of respect.

Related: How to Stop Your Dog from Peeing Inside

9 – Bringing You His Favorite Toy

Because it’s the greatest gift he can give you, his most prized possession.

Often, your dog will bring you’re his favorite toy, out of the blue.

Yes, this means he wants to play and that in itself means love too.

But it also means he’s honoring you by offering something very valuable to him.

10 – Smiling at You

Yes, dogs smile!

It’s when they pull their lips back and show you’re their teeth in the cutest grin.

Actually, it’s been proven that dogs have a lot of facial expressions, much like humans, that they use on different occasions, depending on what they’re feeling.

Smiling back and speaking sweetly to your dog is actually the best way to reciprocate his loving display.

11 – Following You Around

Yes, when they’re shadowing you and making your life a bit harder by being in your way, they’re showing love.

12 – Licking You

It’s the basic demonstration of love, dogs lick people they like.

Puppies are more inclined to do it, because it’s how they communicate with their mothers, showing not only love but also wanting to be fed.

Licking may be a sign of submission but, if your dog is licking you because he’s grooming you, he’s showing he sees you as a part of his family, it’s a sign of intimacy and care.

13 – Protecting You

Dogs protect their families.

It’s something instinctive for them, that’s part of their nature.

They’re loyal and protective of the ones they love, animal or human.

Often, they’ll even risk their lives to keep their loved ones safe.

There is no bigger proof of love from your dog.

It can sometimes become a problem, having an over protective dog that will place himself between you and another person or animal to deny them access to you.

If that happens, you need to keep calm and help him overcome the fear that’s causing him to feel the need to keep you safe.

14 – Sniffing Your Crotch

Yes, it’s awkward and annoying, but it’s a friendly move.

Much like sniffing each other’s butts, your dog sees sniffing crotches much like a friendly handshake.

Not only does it allow your dog to show affection but it also offers him loads of important information when greeting you.

See also: 11 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ in Dog Language

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