How to Get Rid of Your Dog’s Bad Breath
by dogtoyadvisor | Last updated on November 18, 2020
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Dental Hygiene is a major concern of ours, we can’t stress enough how important dental health is for every dog’s wellbeing.
Particularly after Dobby’s dental cleaning and the loss of some of his teeth to decay, we’ve tried our best to keep a thorough regime with our dogs.
However, sometimes we’ll let it slip. Holidays, busy schedules and a bit of overindulgence mean that we aren’t as careful as we should be.
And just a few days of neglect are enough for our dog’s breath to turn bad.
Bad Dog Breath Stinks
Fowl dog’s breath is about the one thing that can really ruin those precious moments with our dogs.
We’ll be cuddling with them, telling them what good boys (and girl) they are, only to receive a fowl-smelling lick or breath directly to our faces.
Aside from any health problem you should clear with your vet, bad dog breath can occur for any number of reasons, from your dog eating things he shouldn’t be eating (keep that trash safely out of reach) to food residue that gathers daily in his teeth and gum.
Luckily there are a couple of easy, simple ways to keep your dog’s breath fresh and minty. Keep reading and find out what you need to do.
Tip 1 – Use Tooth Paste
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, enzymatic toothpaste is our number one ally.
The best part about this specific toothpaste is that it works even for dogs who don’t tolerate brushing.
All you need to do is have your dog lick it off your finger (ours love the taste) or place it on his food.
The enzymes alone work with the saliva to break up the plaque buildup and keep your dog’s mouth clean.
Tip 2 – Try Dental Water Additive
This is a bit of a novelty for us, a simple additive you add to your dog’s water to keep his teeth clean and his breath fresh.
It has zero odor or taste (we didn’t actually try it, it says so on the product and our pets haven’t complained).
We use it for our dogs and cats and so far, we’re pleased with the results.
When testing the different products, we used them exclusively to make sure we could assess the results and this, considering how little work it takes, Oxyfresh is of our favorite options.
Since both our dogs and our cats all share the same water bowl, we were a little hesitant at first to use it, but the vet assured us it was safe, so we’re very pleased we can take care of all of our pet’s mouths with so little trouble.
Tip 3 – Offer Him Dog Chews
Dental care for dogs can be tasty too!
Actually, it really helps if something they love doing helps keep their teeth clean and gums healthy.
On that note, one of the things that work the best is a tasty dog chew.
There are many dog chew options available, but we have a couple we keep in our home at all times.
It’s the difference between having to run from your dog’s kisses after he’s chewed on a treat and actually welcoming them because they’re so fresh smelling.
Tip 4 – And Dog Chew Toys
Our dogs have many toys and chew toys are their favorites.
Dog chews, when made with dental hygiene in mind, are great for massaging the gums and removing all food residue from his teeth.
There are many many dog chew toys available nowadays and we’ve stopped counting how many our dogs actually own.
Nylabone is the one that stands out, the one that our dogs fight over the most but, most importantly, the one with the grooves and edges thought specifically for dental cleaning purpose.
Tip 5 – Don’t Forget the Toothbrush Stick
Ok, we know the word toothbrush will leave you shaking your head, because there’s no way your dog will allow you to brush his teeth, right?
What if we told you he’ll brush them on his own?
This is a different type of toothbrush, it’s basically a toy, a stick if you will. You place the tooth paste inside it and just leave for your dog to chew.
Clever, simple and very effective! Just make sure to pick the right size for your dog and start with small quantities of tooth paste to get him used to it.
This is a lifelong issue. For as long as you’re fortunate enough to have your dog with you, you’ll always be fighting dog breath.
But, surely, these tips are simple and easy enough to follow to make sure you keep it in check.
Take care of your dog’s mouth and receive all the kisses he has for you. If he’s anything like our dogs, he’ll never really run out of them.
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