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9 Signs Your Dog Misses You While You’re Gone

by dogtoyadvisor | Last updated on November 18, 2020

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Did you ever wonder what your dog thinks when you leave?

Does he notice it? Does he mind?

Maybe he likes his time alone!

Or maybe he spends his time waiting for you to return.

There are signs that can tell you if he misses you while you’re gone so, if it’s something you’d like to know, read on.

How Long is it Too Long For Leaving a Dog Home Alone?

Well, it depends on how you’re leaving your dog.

If you crate your dog, then you’ll have to think about him needing to pee or drink water, so about 2 hours.

If not, as long as you leave him with water and someplace for him to go potty, then you can leave him for a bit longer.

In either case, we don’t recommend leaving your dog alone for more than 4 straight hours.

If we’re talking about a puppy, you’ll want to reduce that time to 2-3 hours tops.

Related: How to Teach Your Dog to Stay Alone

Is Your Dog Missing You Or Does He Suffer From Separation Anxiety?

It’s important to know the difference!

Separation anxiety is a medical condition and, while it can vary from mild to extreme, it requires immediate action in order to help the dog.

When a dog suffers from separation anxiety, it’s more than being unhappy that you’re gone, it’s full out stress and suffering and often, dogs are known to hurt themselves because of it.

Sadly, it’s also one of the main reasons why people give up on their dogs, which is an incredibly selfish and inhuman thing to do.

What to Do if Your Dog Suffers From Separation Anxiety

Like we’ve mentioned, separation anxiety comes in different intensities.

If your dog is showing mild signs of separation anxiety, you’ll probably be able to teach your dog to stay home alone calmly and overcome his issue without further action.

If you think your dog’s case may be more severe, just get professional help! 

From you vet or from a dog behavior expert or even from both, if that’s what your dog needs.

9 Signs Your Dog Misses You While You’re Gone

We’re about to let you know the tell-tale signs that your dog misses you while you’re gone.

Not only that, but we’ll also let you know ways to help your dog cope with being alone in the best possible way.

Because, while it’s not possible to be with our dogs 24/7, it is possible to do what we can to make sure they’re happy, even when they’re missing us.

#1 Your Dog Cries When You Leave

Well, duh!

If your dog cries and whines when he realizes you’re about to leave, and them some more after you leave, he misses you!

Some dogs do it only why they hear you near, but others will cry for as long as it takes you to return, which can cause serious issues with the neighbors.

Our used to do that, until we did our best to keep them busy while we were away and also have them associate being alone with things they love, like food!

By now, whenever our dogs see we’re about to leave, they’re sad to see us go (we like to think) but happy because they know they’re about to get a tasty Kong for their troubles.

We always try to surprise them with the Kong Fillers we use in order to stop them from getting bored. Also, we make sure that it takes them as long as possible to empty the Kong, in order to keep them busy for longer.

#2 Your Dog Takes Your Belongings

Our Dobby used to steal our pajamas and sleep on them until we returned.

Other dogs prefer shoes, whatever smells most like you.

Some cuddle, others chew, but the motivation is always the same: to feel closer to you.

And that’s all any dog wants.

Accepting that your dog does this is the first step, the second is to gain control by picking the pieces of clothing you’ll allow him to steal.

Pick an old sweater or a piece of clothing that you don’t mind him ruining. Wear it for a couple of hours, then leave it on his bed or his favorite place to relax. 

Your dog will not only love it, but also feel calmer while you’re away because of it.

Related: How to Train a Dog to Stop Chewing

#3 Your Dog Ignores You When You Leave And/Or When You Return

But he still misses you, though!

Honestly, this is the best reaction you can hope for.

Yes, your dog would rather be with you, but he’s not worried because he trusts you enough to know that you’ll return, that you always return!

It’s a sign of a stable, confident dog and it’s something we should really wish for our dogs!

Also, dogs may ignore you when you leave or when you come back because they’re giving you the cold shoulder. 

Sometimes, they’ll even turn their backs on you for effect, to make sure you know you’re being ignored.

It’s nothing a cuddle session or a tasty treat won’t solve.

Related: 5 Tips to Boost Your Dog’s Confidence

#4 Your Dog Makes a Mess

To the contrary, this is the least desirable behavior.

Each time you leave, your dog either destroys something or chooses to pee or poop in places he knows he shouldn’t.

Sometimes they’re just being opportunistic, using your absence to do things you would usually forbid, like a exploring the trash.

But mostly, they’re protesting because they really don’t like it when you leave.

Our Tommy, to this day, will still leave a couple of pee puddles on the floor or destroy a pillow when we leave.

If this is an extreme behavior, odds are it’s more than just missing you and your dog is showing signs of separation anxiety.

One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is to crate train your dog.

Contrary to popular belief, a crate is not a doggy jail, it’s their haven.

If trained properly, your dog will love to be in his crate, it will be his favorite spot, somewhere where he’ll feel safe and at peace.

Not only it will help your dog feel less anxiety, it will also stop him from doing things he knows he shouldn’t while you’re away.

But remember, never crate your dog for longer than 2 hours.

Related: How to Stop a Dog From Peeing Inside

#5 Your Dog is Very Excited When You Return

And by that we mean REALLY excited.

Like zoomies, jumping, twirling, whatever your dog does when he’s the most happy.

Like he’s releasing all the energy he accumulated during your absence.

It means it’s play time or for going for a walk or… what the heck, just do both, he deserves it!

#6 Your Dog Stays in The Exact Same Place Where You Left Him

When you return home to find your dog in the exact same spot where you left him, you know that he’s missed you terribly.

It’s like he doesn’t know what to do when you’re not around and it’s just so sad to know.

No toys or treats compel him to use his alone time in any way, his existence just pauses until you’re by his side again.

Luckily, technology has found ways for you to be with your dog, even if it’s from afar.

Doggy cameras that allow you to, not only watch your dog, but also to talk to him and even to throw him some treats is the perfect way to make your dog feel closer to you, even when you’re away.

And, for those occasions when it’s just not possible to do it on your own, you can get Alexa to do it for you.

Related: 10 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Busy For Hours

#7 Your Dog Stands By The Door Waiting For You

Many dogs will do this.

Yes, they’ll eat and drink and even fall asleep, but they won’t leave the door to make sure they don’t miss the moment you return.

Or maybe they’re just trying to will that door to open so you’ll be back sooner rather than later.

Whatever the reason, it’s hard to stop a dog from doing it but we did find that using the doggy camera to speak with our dogs while we’re away keeps them from fixating on that door and helps lower the anxiety.

#8 Your Dog Leans Against You As Soon As You Walk in the Door

Dogs lean against people they love for comfort and to show love.

In this case, if your dog leans against you as soon as you get home, it’s clearly an expression of ” I’m so glad you’re home, I’ve missed you”.

The lean is classic language for love and trust when it comes to a dog and it’s a sign they just want to be close to you.

And, let’s admit it, we love those warm doggy welcomes after a long day away.

#9 Your Dog Is Following You Everywhere

So, you’re dog is following you around the house ever since you got home.

What does he want?

To make sure you won’t leave again.

Dogs glue themselves to us to make sure we don’t leave their sights, specially after so much time away (even if it’s just 5 minutes, to your dog, it’s too long).

Good luck getting past your dog’s stalking after that!

Related: 14 Surprising Ways Dogs Show Love to Humans